Welcome to
Mount Burr
Primary School
Mount Burr Primary School is a South Australian government school for students from Reception to year 7. A Preschool is also located on campus and caters for pre-school aged children.
Mount Burr Primary is a small country school nestled amongst pine trees in the town of Mount Burr. We are located in the South East of South Australia 11kms from Millicent . Employment is mainly within timber mills, Kimberley Clark (paper manufacturer) and local businesses in Millicent or the surrounding farms.
Learning for Life – Aiming for Excellence

Our Mission
Learning to have an understanding of who you are and your potential.
We will work as a school community to develop respectful, persistent, resourceful students who have integrity and a sense of humour.
Learning to discover knowledge for use in future experiences.
We will work as a a school community to develop multi-literate students who engage, inquire and question to develop high academic skills.
Learning to research, consider, apply and reflect upon knowledge.
We will work as a school community to develop students with skills for future learning.
Learning to belong and effectively contribute within a community.
We will work as a school community to develop tolerant, resilient students who have empathy and are able to resolve conflict appropriately.
Our Important Documents
Annual Report
External Review
260KB, PDF
Context Statement
110KB, PDF
Site Improvement Plan
874KB, PDF

Information for
our Parents
Parent Information Booklet
901KB, PDF
Mobile Phone Policy
166KB, PDF
School Policies
Education Department policies and procedures are available via the DECD webpage: https://www.education.sa.gov.au/parents-and-families
School Uniform
Polo Shirts are available for purchase from the school front office
- BOYS SUMMER: Grey or black shorts, school polo top.
- BOYS WINTER: Grey or black pants, bottle green windcheater, bottle green polar fleece jumper, bottle green polar fleece vest, school polo top
- GIRLS SUMMER: Bottle green and white check dress, black shorts, school polo top.
- GIRLS WINTER: Green and gold check tartan skirt or pinafore, bottle green tights or white ankle socks, black pants, bottle green windcheater, bottle green polar fleece jumper, bottle green polar fleece vest, school polo top.
- HAIR/ACCESSORIES: Hair should be neat and tidy. Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back. Ear rings should be a plain round metal stud or plain sleeper. A watch may be worn. No makeup or nail polish is to be worn with the uniform.
- HATS: As part of the school’s Sun Smart Policy students are required to wear a bottle green bucket or wide brimmed hat during all outside activities in terms 1 and 4.
Students may wear a plain grey or black beanie in terms 2 and 3.
When it is not possible for a child to wear the correct uniform, parents are asked to write a note of explanation to the class teacher. Where there are financial reasons why a family cannot provide a uniform please make an appointment to see the principal. - PRE-SCHOOL: While our dress code is not compulsory, many preschool children wear appropriate school colours of green and yellow. It is important that children wear clothing (named) and shoes that are suitable for activities such as gluing, painting etc. and not ‘good’ clothes.
Term Dates
Get in

Mount Burr Primary School
Principal: Mrs Anne-Marie Fitzgerald
Phone: (08) 8734 8387
Email: dl.0288.info@schools.sa.edu.au
Address: Thomas Drive Mount Burr 5279 SA
Partnership: Limestone Coast
Feedback & complaints
Let us know if you have feedback or a complaint, or if you want to give us a compliment. Feedback is valuable as it helps us shape our services to meet your needs.